thank you and thank you and thank you...

the previews are done and i have had a few days to rest and consider this last little excursion into the Craft. all in all i am content, amazed and inspired. content with my own work, amazed at what can be done when people are grown-ups and professionals, and inspired by those i have been working with.
that said, some thank yous are in order.
m...thank you for envisioning such a wonderful story, for writing hunter, and for trusting me with birthing him. the simplicity, grace and elegance you bring to the process is a lesson for us all...and the beer ain't bad either! with only ten rehearsals under our belts, we are ready to perform. most shows are still fumbling their way through blocking. when i least expect it, a new teacher appears. thank you. have been a dream to work with. your energy, willingness to explore, openness to new ideas, and dedication to bettering yourself as an actor are refreshing to say the least. they are everything anyone could want in a scene partner. i was there at your beginning and i cannot wait to see what your future holds. thank you.
sms...if this is what you're like 15 years out of the biz, i can only imagine how you'll rock once you get your groove back... you are a consumate professional, and a hell of a good guy to kick it with to boot. thank you.
our preview audiences...the honesty and sincerity of your feedback has been invaluable. equally, if not more, invaluable, has been the opportunity to make and develop new relationships (as well as deepen some already established.) thank you.
finally...but by no means least...l and mgirl and are the reason for anything i do that is worthwhile and beautiful...and no mere thank you can ever begin to encompass that.
soon...rogue...a muse of fire...this flattering glass....
and the future?
something wonderful...
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