Now to Nail this Sucker.

from Marcel
Over the past 9 rehearsals we played. We tried this and that. We exercised our creative muscles in ways we may not have thought possible. It yielded results... a bounty spectacular that would make a pirate's eye gleam. We even stumbled on Monday. Strangly, it provided more meat to what started off as a skeleton which was the blueprint of the script. The hiccups proved that ploughing through was possible... even if elements were misplaced.
We've recovered and regrouped from Mr Murphy's visit on Monday. Last night's rehearsal was a little languid but good. We meet again tomorrow to squeeze some air out of it and on Friday and Saturday the piece gets bounced off an audience.

During rehearsal last night I did see some places that may need a little trimming. Just ideas that perhaps were a little over stated that can be nipped and sharpened. Though that work will come after the previews when we release the playwright from his exile in the gulag for a furlough.
The show is fallible if played without a certain focused intent. Definitely not a show that can be pulled off by just going through the motions. It will crumble if that tact is taken. Yet its structure does still provide for a spectrum of interpretations in the playing... but only if supported with the required investment of focus.
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