Throw that bloody idiot hack out!

A re-write now? Yes. It's only the first week of rehearsal... and the last seven pages needs one. It's klunky. I'm not proud... I'll admit that.
It took S & H romping on stage Wednesday night for it to be clear to me just how klunky. It wants to flow but there are barby hurdles in the way. I suspected it when I read it. But I wanted to see it up and moving to determine exactly how to proceed with it. Some of it will be compressed. Some rearranged . Some (probably 2 whole pages) just goes out the bloody window.
This is one of the reasons I never fall in love with my own work in development. You just have to be that way (brutal) when you decide to wear the different hats of playwright and director. And as a playwright let me tell you... if you are in a production and if anyone (especially the director) spurts the (pretentious) line about "... being true to the playwright" or "being true to the intent of the playwright"... know that the person is full of shit and know that you are in one boring ass production.
It's the work... the piece... the play that is paramount here. It HAS to come alive on stage and connect. Fuck the (so called) playwright's intention! That's only a big wanker guessing game... a lame excuse to show off in the area of Drama Lit, etc. Besides, any "intent" should already be in the structure of the play itself... it doesn't exist beyond what is on the page. Be true to the play! If the piece is any good it will stand up on it's own... jump off the page and (hopefully in rehearsal and production) explode on stage.
OK... enough. I promised my stellar cast re-writes before the next rehearsal (on Monday)... so, a hacking I will go. Then we can finally throw that bloody idiot hack out!
BTW... if you haven't been here lately or this is your first time... click the archives or the labels to catch up... espcially on the Skypecast of the rehearsal.
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